I just finished my 한식 (hansik) class at KCC! I made 6 new friends, can you believe that? My husband thinks I stay at home too much so this was a great way to get me out of my cave. Getting up to go to class once a week has become a routine for me now, so it's a bit sad it had to end so quickly.
I completely ignored the class plan that was e-mailed to me, so imagine my surprise when I learned that we only had a total of 5 classes?? Stupid me even overslept at one point and missed a full day.. I really regretted that. Anyway, it was fun since we make 2 dishes for every class and we get to bring it home at the end of the day after having it graded. Having a Korean husband waiting at home to try (and somehow criticize) everything was such an experience lol
This is Chef Lily, our instructor. She seems to love the word for fish sauce in Tagalog
and has to say it many times a day even when the recipe doesn't call for "patissu" kkkk
At first I thought she disliked me, but then I had to keep reminding myself that Koreans are just quite reserved when they don't know you that well and don't actually hate you. I'm so used to Koreans living in the Philippines avoiding me whenever they hear that I'm married to a Korean since a lot of people here seem to date and marry Korean gangsters/criminals.. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT??? >:((
But then again it makes me happy since they get curious about the man I married and I get to giddily show his pictures.. which ends up in them joking that I might be showing them BTS and now I'm scared they'd think of me as a Koreaboo.. I'll never win this shiet
Cooking with other people was a real challenge. I'm so used to following recipes through YouTube, and it's very different when you have a time limit somehow along with the pressure not to make mistakes in class. I really only started cooking when I got married, so being grouped with other married people who have probably been cooking for a decade or so made me die inside a little.
I made a few mistakes here and there, but I learned a lot and I'm happy Chef Lily even taught us several dishes I can make at home, including 파김치 (pa-kimchi)! My husband loves it so much and it's nice to have learned it in class. I've been feeding him mostly Filipino food for over a year and I think it's time for a change. I'm actually waiting for the slots to open again since me and my classmates agreed to apply for the next class. I hope we get selected!
I'm so grateful for all the new friends I made! ♡
I hope I'll get to see everyone again sometime soon~
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